loved by God for a life of love



The church is God’s idea. God lays out his vision for the church in the Bible: people of all ages and stages of life; people from every cultural background and from all walks of life; men and women and children gathered together by God’s great love in Jesus and strengthened by God’s Spirit to delight in God, and to love each other, and to bless the world. We’re thankful to be part of this, and we hope you can join us.



Because we have been loved by God the Father, in Christ, by the Holy Spirit, our hope and prayer is that Hornsby Presbyterian Church will: 

    Love God: by trusting, enjoying and obeying him    

    Love each other: by serving, enjoying and encouraging one another in Christ

    Love Hornsby and the World: by sharing Jesus Christ in word and action



We are a church gripped by God’s great love for us in Jesus, and committed to the great truths of the Bible that Christians all around the world and down through the centuries have always held dear.

We’re convinced that there is one true and living God, who exists in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – who has always been and always will be, who deserves our praise and the devotion of our whole lives.

We stand in awe of how God created everything that exists out of nothing, how he generously gives us life and breath and health and everything good, and how he continues to sustain the whole universe.

We’re amazed that God continues to love us, even though each of us – in our own way – has turned our backs on him and deserves his condemnation.

We’re thankful that God sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to live the life each of us should have lived, to die the death that we deserve to die, and to rise again to give us hope that we can be made new and live with God forever.

We love that God hasn’t left us alone, but is at work in our lives by his Holy Spirit to help us to delight in God, to transform us into the people he created us to be, and to empower us to serve him in every part of our lives.

We’re convinced that God is at work in the world – still today – as he provides life and health and breath to everyone everywhere, and especially as he calls people to new life and to membership in his church through the good news about Jesus.

We delight in being part of God’s church. The church is God’s treasured possession. His bride. His new community. Yes – the church has often failed to live up to God’s vision for it. We are a bunch of broken people in various states of repair. But we’ve seen God at work here to make us new. So we’re committed to the Church’s mission to take the good news of Jesus to all the world, and to doing good in Jesus’ name.

We’re looking forward to the day when the Lord Jesus, who now sits at God’s right hand, will come again to judge the world, to defeat death, and to make everything new.


As part of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, our full and formal confession of faith is the Westminster Confession of Faith (AD1647) read in the light of a Declaratory Statement (AD1901). We’re thankful for this great summary of biblical truth that our ancestors made generations ago. All of our elders are committed to it, and are always happy to talk through what the Bible says about God, about the world, about us, and especially about Jesus. There is more about the Westminster Confession, and what it means to be a Presbyterian Church here.